Total Downloads Ranking

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156601-156620 of all 180,488 gems.
156,5942,841rabbit-slide-aycabta-rubykaigi-2019IRB Reboot: Modernize Implementation and Features
156,5942,841embulk-parser-fixedParses fixed width files read by other file input plugins.
156,5942,841pimdPIMD will be the base for the JavaScript version of LivingStyleGuide – an API to extend...
156,5942,841i_love_sudokuA gem to solve any sudoku puzzle.
156,5942,841mybmi1returns true if the person is normal weight,otherwise returns false.
156,5942,841mfxcodeCommand line tool to work with Xcode projects and Workspaces.
156,5942,841forest_admin_datasource_active_recordForest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. This gem mak...
156,5942,841ractor-serverRactor based communication inspired by GenServer.
156,5942,841bulma_formbulma_form is a rails form builder that makes it easy to create beautiful forms using B...
156,6102,840rabbit-slide-znz-rubykansai70-ruby230第70回 Ruby関西 勉強会で Ruby 2.3.0 の新機能の紹介などの話をしたときのスライドです。
156,6102,840bundler-interactiveInteractive prompt for Bundler
156,6102,840train-vaulttrain-vault plugin UNDER CONSTRUCTION
156,6102,840messAnalyze your archived Messenger chatlogs in JSON format!
156,6102,840exchangerate-apiCurrencies Exchange rates api client
156,6102,840rainbow_printerRainbow Printer, it adds some methods to help your output display look likes 7 colours ...
156,6102,840ruby-extlz4This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
156,6102,840kinesis_stream_readerRuby interface for reading Kinesis streams
156,6102,840gonow-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
156,6192,839peatio-zcashPeatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
156,6192,839xfcc_parser_rubyEnvoy x-forwarded-client-cert (XFCC) parser written in Rust for Ruby