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156681-156700 of all 180,671 gems.
156,6802,853mybmi1returns true if the person is normal weight,otherwise returns false.
156,6802,853fluent-plugin-field-flatten-jsonFluent output plugin for flattening a json field
156,6802,853alu0100763768_menuDiseñar e implementar un Lenguaje de Dominio Específico DSL, que permita la definición ...
156,6802,853cal_months_rails4A nice extension for quickly incorporating icalendar imports with default views (Rails 4)
156,6802,853lita-dewey-quotesJohn Dewey quotes, adapted from lita-yoda-quotes by Pierre Rambaud
156,6802,853erik-single-selectA single selection question type.
156,6802,853ruby-extlz4This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
156,6802,853test_mysoreA simple hello world gem
156,6802,853pimdPIMD will be the base for the JavaScript version of LivingStyleGuide – an API to extend...
156,6802,853rails-scopeRuby gem that allows nVisium to accurately and automatically scope a Ruby on Rails appl...
156,6802,853discourse-redisA Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an i...
156,6922,852ruboty-twitter_tlRuboty handler to follow a user on twitter.
156,6922,852peatio-zcashPeatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
156,6922,852sciolyff-duosmiumA file format for Science Olympiad tournament results.
156,6922,852thor_nested_subcommand`ThorNestedSubcommand` is a Ruby gem that provides a workaround for the Thor gem (h...
156,6922,852kinesis_stream_readerRuby interface for reading Kinesis streams
156,6922,852cloudformation-ruby-dsl-addedvarsRuby DSL library that provides a wrapper around the CloudFormation.
156,6922,852rovi_apiReads music data from the Rovi API.
156,6922,852embulk-encoder-commandEncodes files using any command output for other file output plugins.
156,6922,852repo-test-sdkthis porfile is made to test New repositories