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Most downloads over all time
156621-156640 of all 180,518 gems.
156,6182,843cloudformation-ruby-dsl-addedvarsRuby DSL library that provides a wrapper around the CloudFormation.
156,6182,843navan_gemawesome_gem is the best
156,6182,843ruboty-twitter_tlRuboty handler to follow a user on twitter.
156,6182,843lita-dewey-quotesJohn Dewey quotes, adapted from lita-yoda-quotes by Pierre Rambaud
156,6182,843exchangerate-apiCurrencies Exchange rates api client
156,6182,843mybmi1returns true if the person is normal weight,otherwise returns false.
156,6182,843cal_months_rails4A nice extension for quickly incorporating icalendar imports with default views (Rails 4)
156,6182,843mfxcodeCommand line tool to work with Xcode projects and Workspaces.
156,6292,842nanowrimoijk_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
156,6292,842peatio-zcashPeatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
156,6292,842etrackingsFor ETrackings API
156,6292,842gonow-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
156,6292,842olympus-camera-dlcli tool that download images from olympus camera
156,6292,842ruby-extlz4This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
156,6292,842roostify_pkcs11_lunaThis module allows Ruby programs to use vendor extensions for SafeNet Luna.
156,6292,842ForwardMXManage your email forwarders from with Ruby
156,6372,841formtastic_leaflet_map_editor_inputSupport including a Leaflet map in a Formtastic form. Included Leaflet and Leaflet.draw
156,6372,841train-vaulttrain-vault plugin UNDER CONSTRUCTION
156,6372,841sidekiq-marshalMarshal encoder for sidekiq. Enables when required.
156,6372,841podageA simple tool to package Cocoapods into Frameworks