Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
158481-158500 of all 180,416 gems.
158,4792,629flowbyte_yankedTesting dependency resolution with rubygems, one gem at a time
158,4792,629sardaunan_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
158,4792,629ztxFork of old Tx gem, a library for a compact trie data structure, compatible with Ruby 2...
158,4792,629typesigtypesig - type signatures - annotate your code with type signatures
158,4792,629specterjsTesting solution for JavaScript environment
158,4792,629puppet-examples-helpersUsing new `example` method you can read and execute example file provided in puppet mod...
158,4792,629arpg-rolesUse a Postgres array column to manage a model's roles
158,4792,629cookies_and_creamSecure your cookies with an API for opting out
158,4792,629CebuUsed to bring back the good memories back home in Cebu,Philippines.Where people who mig...
158,4792,629kuKerbal Updater
158,4792,629p2pp2p - build your own peer-to-peer (p2p) networks; run your own peer-to-peer (p2p) nodes...
158,4792,629chromium-browserThe Chromium client handler.
158,4932,628gdrive_rubyA gem that allows to upload/download files to Google Drive, base on Google Drive REST API.
158,4932,628remote_syslog_sender_criteoMessage sender that sends directly to a remote syslog endpoint (Support UDP, TCP, TCP+TLS)
158,4932,628NXMLlibrary for generating XML 1.0 documents
158,4932,628hobsonExtend the core capabilities of Ruby!
158,4932,628dssDocumented Style Sheets
158,4932,628thoughtbot-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
158,4932,628plumbus_httpAn http driver for plumbus
158,4932,628helloword-railsWrite a longer description or delete this line.