Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
158841-158860 of all 180,671 gems.
158,8392,624aravena_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
158,8392,624tablaA plain text human-readable tabular data format inspired in @neauorie's tablatal (https...
158,8392,624elbtoolRegister and reregister EC2 instances from an ELB
158,8392,624setup_oobUtility for configuring OOB devices from linux
158,8392,624pt-serif-railsI like the PT Serif font. I like the asset pipeline. If you do too, you're welcome.
158,8472,623cootie_catcherRelive your childhood with a good ol' game of paper oragami cootie catcher!
158,8472,623cryptoolsLibrary to help with cryptanalysis and exploitation
158,8472,623guard-faktory_workerGuard plugin for faktory-worker
158,8472,623armadillo_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
158,8472,623mysql_enum_columnEnum column support for Rails >= 4.*
158,8472,623food_ideasYou mention up to 5 ingredients and it will give you back 5 recipes(more recipes soon).
158,8472,623flydaysSearch flights on Southwest.
158,8472,623vagrant-openstack-plugin-tomEnables Vagrant to manage machines in OpenStack Cloud, with keystone v3
158,8472,623kantox-splitThis gem is extremely useful while in process of migration to another data source.
158,8472,623afd_parserUse this gem to verify and parse data files generated from REPs.
158,8472,623line_apiLine Bot API ruby wrapper.
158,8472,623logstash-input-nagioscheckParses the output of Nagios Checks (via exec input)
158,8472,623decidim-anonymous_proposalsTransform proposals component to allow not signed in users creation of proposals.
158,8602,622a_r_b_code_toolProvides generated codes for Rails applications.