Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
158881-158900 of all 180,681 gems.
158,8722,622crystalrubyEmbed Crystal code directly in Ruby.
158,8722,622obarThe OBar
158,8722,622kaffe# Kaffe Framework This is a minimalistic webframework inspired by sinatra and rails. ...
158,8722,622rabbit-slide-kou-mariadb-community-event-2016-07-212016年7月時点でのMroongaの最新情報を紹介します。MariaDBコミュニティイベント in Tokyoでの紹介なのでMariaDBに関連する情報を多めに紹介します。
158,8722,622zigzag_rickonThe helper to let Rickon run zigzag
158,8722,622icmpCompare two arrays in interactive way, yields block with arguments: event, current_item...
158,8882,621rspec-progress-barRSpec progress bar formatter
158,8882,621cm_lograge_formatterKey Value formatter and no newline in value
158,8882,621yo_componentDrop your rails views
158,8882,621kaguyaAn implementation of brankf**k.
158,8882,621ithosRuby client library for Ithos, a modern LDAP-like directory server with support for sto...
158,8882,621jaxb2rubyjaxb2ruby generates Java XML mappings via xjc, reads the resulting annotations, and pas...
158,8882,621azure-fixMicrosoft Azure Client Library for Ruby
158,8882,621yocomponentDrop your rails views
158,8882,621sp-excel-loaderExtends RubyXL adding handling of excel tables and other conversion utilies
158,8882,621voteable_nigelA voting gem for my app
158,8992,620yaggoYaggo defines a DSL to generate GNU compatible command line parsers for C++ using getopt.
158,8992,620skeezy_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.