Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
159341-159360 of all 180,643 gems.
159,3322,583evilcap-ruby-vncA library which implements the client VNC protocol to control VNC servers.
159,3322,583fgatherlet_hellogem hello world
159,3322,583br-approvalsApproval Tests for Ruby
159,3322,583inputmask_railsAn inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be...
159,3322,583rinlineInline expansion for Ruby
159,3322,583ruby-DTLThermodynamics Library gem
159,3322,583clxsmsAPI wrapper for Clxnetworks's SMS service
159,3482,582cenit-algorithmsRun algorithms retrieving their codes from Cenit.
159,3482,582colstrom-ruby_armorcolstrom's fork of Spooner/ruby_armor
159,3482,582darkmagicThe jekyll layout powering
159,3482,582cocoapods-generate-minlisonpod gen allows you to keep your Podfile and podspecs as the single source of truth for ...
159,3482,582AlimentoSolete"Clase para gestionar los glúcidos, lípidos y proteínas de un alimento específico"
159,3482,582practical_errorsMake rails error messages more practical.
159,3482,582kcc-gem-theme-coreKCC's Gem-based theme for building jekyll sites.
159,3482,582easyboxA simple template gem
159,3482,582hash_stripperA simple utility gem that will strip out spaces in your hash. It handles arrays, hashes...
159,3482,582first_gem_robA simple hello world gem for Ruby
159,3482,582spyderSpyder Web
159,3482,582webview_rubyRuby bindings for webview
159,3482,582pg_snippetsA collection of Postgres data definition SQL builders