Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
159401-159420 of all 180,518 gems.
159,3992,568floating_actionPossibilita aplicar ações como barra flutuante anexa a um container
159,3992,568robert_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
159,3992,568null_recordEnables ActiveRecord FinderMethods to return Null Objects.
159,3992,568hgA library for building Facebook Messenger bots.
159,3992,568flatiron-s3-uploaderA tool for resizing and uploading images to AWS S3
159,3992,568dc_hamdryerDries hams in the District of Columbia - with your mind
159,3992,568echan005_votingA voting gem for rails project, done by yuyueugene84
159,3992,568myToolneed to think for a while
159,3992,568cell-i18ni18n library inspired in Trailblazer's Cell
159,3992,568capistrano-tweaksTweaks for Capistrano 3.x
159,3992,568xbeeA Ruby API for sending/receiving API frames with Digi XBee RF Modules.
159,4132,567fortunes-rubyDebian fortunes port to ruby
159,4132,567hello_from_khalidA simple greeting gem
159,4132,567scooter-sassUse scooter in your rails asset pipeline.
159,4132,567websocket-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
159,4132,567smart_titleizeAdds method to titleize a str without downcasing acronyms.
159,4182,566spydeczSpydecz is a command line gem example that makes it simple to compile and analyze mock...
159,4182,566material_designMaterial is Google’s open-source design system. Design and build beautiful, usable prod...
159,4182,566onepage_scroll_railsonepage-scroll for rails