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159381-159400 of all 180,689 gems.
159,3682,586inputmask_railsAn inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be...
159,3682,586easyboxA simple template gem
159,3682,586thingfish-processor-pdfThis is a basic pdf processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It extra...
159,3682,586spyderSpyder Web
159,3682,586appengine-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
159,3682,586clxsmsAPI wrapper for Clxnetworks's SMS service
159,3872,585invalid_json_error_middlewareRails rack middleware to catch JSON parse errors
159,3872,585cenit-algorithmsRun algorithms retrieving their codes from Cenit.
159,3872,585colstrom-ruby_armorcolstrom's fork of Spooner/ruby_armor
159,3872,585darkmagicThe jekyll layout powering
159,3872,585skype-call-detectAttempts to detect if a skype call is running using pactl
159,3872,585grocery_list1Shows items, their price, the coupon and the size of items listed on
159,3872,585rubymlThis is a simple machine learning library written in Ruby. It provides implementati...
159,3872,585babelnetBabelnet is a programmatic API Library for Babelnet.
159,3872,585arableShorthand syntax to acces your arel tables directly
159,3872,585rinlineInline expansion for Ruby
159,3872,585ruby-DTLThermodynamics Library gem
159,3982,584admin_on_railsModern rails admin with view layer on vue.js
159,3982,584logstash-input-snmp4jtrapThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
159,3982,584poleA one-column minimal responsive Jekyll blog theme