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162241-162260 of all 180,530 gems.
162,2412,394freelancer-theme-jekyllFreelancer is a one page Bootstrap portfolio theme for freelancers.
162,2412,394rex_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails.
162,2412,394resource_finderFind resource from parameters for controller in an easy way.
162,2412,394pannerPanner pans for website gold.
162,2412,394pigmanImproves SpigotMC by adding auto-magical updates, a config to simplify start commands, ...
162,2412,394siren23D operation libray
162,2412,394dynacordUpdate DNS A records based on current public IP address.
162,2412,394dup_spree_apiSpree's API
162,2412,394rails-internalsLike chrome://net-internals, but for Rails.
162,2412,394linner-hcHTML5 Application Assembler
162,2412,394twitter-stream-patchPatch for when the stream is disconnected
162,2412,394mc_deltaГем с модельками и контроллерами
162,2412,394redash_rbRedash API Wrapper wirtten in ruby.
162,2412,394vagrant-vultr2Vagrant plugin to use Vultr as provider
162,2552,393skycoinLibskycoin library for Ruby
162,2552,393foundation-scssSCSS files from Zurb Foundation
162,2552,393wikWik - Quick and easy Wikipedia searches
162,2552,393amazon_purchases_ledgerTakes and Amazon orders csv and items csv as input. Generates and output csv suitable f...
162,2552,393threecastThreecast is a CLI gem that scrapes the latest news from the big three cable networks: ...