Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
162301-162320 of all 180,518 gems.
162,2852,391suprise_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
162,2852,391gonzalezA simple hello world gem
162,2852,391commentionCreate standard for funtions
162,3042,390elasticfusionelasticsearch-rails extensions
162,3042,390enviroment_varsAccess environment variables. Also includes presence validation, type coercion and defa...
162,3042,390fizzbuzz_pmFizzBuzz gem
162,3042,390fancy_promptBetter Rails console prompt.
162,3042,390alexa_rails_kitA platform to allow easy integration with Alexa in your new or existing Rails project
162,3042,390omniauth-hootsuiteOmniAuth strategy for Hootsuite.
162,3042,390fluent-plugin-splunk-http-eventcollector-membSplunk output plugin (HTTP Event Collector) for Fluentd event collector
162,3042,390websocket-extensions-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
162,3042,390kaushal_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
162,3042,390middleman-keycdnAdds ability to invalidate a specific set of files in your KeyCDN cache
162,3042,390ting_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
162,3042,390ym_treeThis gem for data structures
162,3042,390universe_simulateAn algorithm for a real time decision tree to simulate the universes creation.
162,3042,390rails_viewsHelpers for easy working and clear code
162,3042,390typi_railsGemified version of Typi (
162,3042,390cloud_job_awsImplementation of cloud_job_base gem for aws