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162221-162240 of all 180,671 gems.
162,2202,408exponent-server-sdk-jmExponent Server SDK - JM fork
162,2202,408copyright_signature_view_toolProvides generated HTML data as a footer for copyright purposes.
162,2202,408active_assetAn application to process files and other files
162,2202,408extasyAfter crack, cocaine, cannabis, speed, the extasy gems sole purpose is keeping the Ruby...
162,2202,408random_coordinatesThis gem allows to generate a random coordinate and to validate its position in a given...
162,2202,408link_to_meGive link_to the ability to point to the show page of an Active Record model instance r...
162,2202,408sdk-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
162,2202,408bipm-data-importerImporter for BIPM CGPM and CIPM content
162,2202,408kuroko2_read_onlykuroko2 add readonly
162,2202,408credly_ioUses HTTP to connect to Credly
162,2202,408logstash-output-appsearchThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
162,2202,408aws-glacierCommand line utility to send and retrieve data from AWS Glacier.
162,2202,408rake-arduinorake-arduino allows you to easily build Arduino sketches using Rake.
162,2202,408neo4j-jarsContains the jars found on Please check the license for thos...
162,2202,408multi_client_backendMultiClient::Backend Module.
162,2202,408rspec-long_time_specs_profilerA RSpec 2.x formatter which shows longest time spec files.
162,2202,408poloniex_rubyPoloniex API for Ruby
162,2202,408with_env-rbThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
162,2202,408jester-dataWeb-based, operating, dockerized on the cloud platform