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Most downloads over all time
162481-162500 of all 180,488 gems.
162,4662,377oozou-fusion_tablesA simple Google Fusion Tables API wrapper. Supports bulk inserts and most API functions
162,4662,377prpr-mention_reviewersWhen you assign Pull request reviewers, it post to chat service too.
162,4662,377mc_deltaГем с модельками и контроллерами
162,4662,377rb-urlvoidYet another ruby gem for URLVoid API
162,4662,377xhyveA tool to manage xhyve virtual machines
162,4662,377minitest-mock_raise_errorA simple Minitest::Mock extension to raise a error
162,4872,376docgenGenerate documents in various formats based on standard boilerplate and custom content.
162,4872,376pipeline-corePipeline core functionality
162,4872,376fastlane-plugin-ms_teamsSend a success/error message to your Microsoft Teams channel
162,4872,376simple_csv_creatorDSL for creating csv file inspired by activeadmin csv
162,4872,376publisheriosAntenna aims to take the pain out of creating and distributing all the necessary files ...
162,4872,376stall-authorize_dot_netAllows easy gateway integration in a Stall e-commerce app
162,4872,376pardot_chef-syncThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
162,4872,376pg_versionsPostgreSQL notifications with persistence.
162,4872,376viseLibrary to assist with building binaries using Heroku's anvil
162,4872,376acts_as_resourceUser resource management gem.
162,4872,376sms4A ruby gem for utilizing API
162,4872,376frprepFRPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor.
162,4872,376englishestThis gem aims to provides alternative ways to utter Ruby code, simply defining synonyms...