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163121-163140 of all 180,717 gems.
163,1062,364first_gem_nate05Write a longer description or delete this line.
163,1222,363gradlewwSearches gradlew from superior directories and executes it
163,1222,363permiansService-API for personnel services
163,1222,363plottrGenerates arrays of strings with graph based on data input of arrays of x,y inputs
163,1222,363slack-ruby-bot-bheThe easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.
163,1222,363nylas-shipmntsGem for interacting with the Nylas API.
163,1222,363eventify_proAllows to publish events from Ruby applications
163,1222,363wallaby-copRubocop configuration for Wallaby projects
163,1222,363iruby_gemiruby_gem is used to install gems in an IRuby notebook.
163,1222,363alimentos-alu0101103181Write a longer description or delete this line.
163,1222,363mlg_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,1222,363libatemA library that allows control of Blackmagic Design ATEM switchers through Ruby
163,1222,363Aython-Houttekier-thermostat-exercisea ruby gem for a thermostat application
163,1222,363dgemneat parisian theme
163,1222,363gargoylesimple authentication
163,1222,363dup_spree_cmdtools to create new Spree stores and extensions
163,1222,363alimento-alu0101132907Representa alimentos
163,1222,363strelka-adminStrelka is a framework for creating and deploying Mongrel2 web applications in Ruby, an...
163,1222,363amuhenbergs_palindromeRuby palindrome detector
163,1222,363gayifyDo you ever get upset when you're debugging, and wish your error messages were a bit mo...