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163161-163180 of all 180,727 gems.
163,1522,363amuhenbergs_palindromeRuby palindrome detector
163,1522,363pre-commit-cucumber_focusFinds cucumber scenarios with with specific tags (e.g. @focus)
163,1522,363broochThis is a test gem for learning purpose
163,1522,363bundler_ignore_universalIgnore 'universal' gems that probably don't work on M1 Macs
163,1522,363vagrant-readenvVagrant plugin to load environment variables from .env into ENV
163,1522,363dependency_builderBuilds a dependency tree (inside out) from clusters of dependencies (outside in) in a s...
163,1522,363edg_codebreakerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
163,1522,363fakes3as4Use Fake S3 to test basic Amazon S3 functionality without actually connecting to AWS
163,1522,363Nicklaus_view_toolProvides generate HTML data for rails applications.
163,1522,363mirrorhublibrary to interact with the mirrorhub api
163,1522,363rsg_docGenerates documentation for Brightscript referenced in Scenegraph markup
163,1522,363dehydrateDry up your controllers
163,1752,362rodirrodir is ruby object directory
163,1752,362emil_seyidov_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,1752,362pcs_tablesorterPackage the assets for the Tablesorter Javascript library by Christian Bach as a gem.
163,1752,362HelpDeskAPIRuby Library for the Spiceworks Help Desk API
163,1752,362naive_bayes_rbsimply naive bayes implementation in ruby.
163,1752,362foodpairingA rubygem wrapper for the Foodpairing API