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163101-163120 of all 180,543 gems.
163,0982,346alimentos-alu0101103181Write a longer description or delete this line.
163,0982,346gcp-vaultA gem to integrate Vault with GCP auth
163,0982,346dannugjr_view_toolProvides generated Html data for Rails applications.
163,0982,346serverspec-logstash-formatterA logstash formatter for serverspec
163,0982,346bertieA theme for Jekyll based on Minima & Athena.
163,0982,346hola_shaA simple Hello World Gem Example
163,0982,346webpacker-manifest_remotewebpacker extention to use remote webpacker url
163,0982,346ldap_queryEasily generate LDAP connections and queries without having to learn how to build an LD...
163,0982,346evohomeA gem to read temperature data from Honeywell's Evohome API
163,0982,346devcamp_view_tool_lmProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,0982,346mail-portertechA really Ruby Mail handler.
163,0982,346devise_tokensExtends Devise for Rails API only applications.
163,0982,346interpol_to_open_apiConverts interpol endpoint definition into Open API spec.
163,1152,345meta_smsDescription of MetaSms.
163,1152,345cubitUnit localizer
163,1152,345matheson_view_toolthis is just a test
163,1152,345tex2idConvert TeX notation to InDesign markup.
163,1152,345ampedxx-mygemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
163,1152,345mina-rsync-npn47Deploy with Rsync to your server from any local (or remote) repository. Saves you the...