Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
163861-163880 of all 180,702 gems.
163,8612,322remy-foodieMy hello world gem
163,8612,322rsynthRsynth aims to be a simple to use audio synthesis library for use in ruby
163,8612,322bullet_train-serializersBullet Train Serializers
163,8612,322proxyreProxy Re-Encryption
163,8612,322amp_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
163,8612,322instascript_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,8612,322omniauth-piratenloginOmniAuth strategy for (OAuth2)
163,8612,322jifGif analyzer for editing and building gifs written in ruby and dependencies free
163,8612,322local_unitsUniversal unit storage with user-specific display
163,8612,322SimilaritySairoA similarity gem
163,8612,322active_record_associations_module_nameProvides a `module_name` option for ActiveRecord Associations
163,8612,322hola_angelicaA simple hello world gem
163,8612,322linear-regressionsLinear regression algorithms which implemented Alternating Least Squares & Gradient...
163,8612,322gem_vProvides generaged HTML data for Rails applications.
163,8612,322montagueWrapper for the SHERPA/RoMEO API.
163,8612,322prag_studio_game_by_domStudio Game Ruby Gem
163,8612,322voteable_dklsVoting gem - Launch School
163,8612,322soft_rescueThis gem helps to handle exceptions in soft manner using configured modes. Namely it ca...
163,8612,322hola_adrianaA simple hello world gem