Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
163881-163900 of all 180,689 gems.
163,8742,320indieMakes starting simple
163,8742,320amp_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
163,8742,320much-configConfiguration for Ruby objects.
163,8742,320hola_heyaskA simple hello world gem
163,8742,320active_record_associations_module_nameProvides a `module_name` option for ActiveRecord Associations
163,8742,320marcosThis gem does nothing
163,8742,320avo-record_link_fieldRecord link field for Avo.
163,8742,320moj-dangerAdd Danger gems
163,8742,320xclinterxclinter lints various possible problems of xcodeprojects, e.g. broken strings files, u...
163,8742,320mimepostMimePost API for sending email. You can find out more about MimePost at [https://mimepo...
163,8742,320demogem_paulw911A sample gem for a demo app which performs a simple calculation.
163,8742,320elir_jsonJSON formatter for elir.
163,8742,320safekeeperNew gem
163,8742,320easy_aws_sshLooks up IP addresses for machines for a quick way to SSH
163,8742,320gem217Cucumber steps to easily test REST-based XML and JSON APIs
163,8742,320markdown-converterConverts ruby objects to the appropriate markdown text
163,8742,320jwt_auth_dummyVery simple auth with jwt for User model
163,8742,320simplywallst_snowflakeAn unofficial client for Simply Wall St Snowflake API.
163,9002,319deploygate-clientDeployGate API library for Ruby