Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
163921-163940 of all 180,643 gems.
163,9112,314character_recognition_by_vision_apiWith Google Vision API, you can extract the characters by text format from image file
163,9112,314jekyll-meta-filesJekyll plugin to augment static files with metadata
163,9112,314telegram-rabbitRabbitMQ wrapper for telegram-bot-ruby
163,9112,314peatio-axeAxe Wallet Plugin.
163,9112,314rush3A Ruby replacement for bash+ssh, providing both an interactive shell and a library. Ma...
163,9112,314shopify-tracingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
163,9112,314timestamp_uuidUUID V4 compliant timestamp uuid where also the string representation is correctly sort...
163,9112,314proc_utilsA set of functional utilities for working with callables.
163,9112,314thread_jobA simple framework to asynchronously execute longer running tasks in the background usi...
163,9112,314swaggerailsA Swagger-UI Rails engine used to display docs generated with the Swagger Docs gem
163,9112,314BiancaAutoBiancaAuto is a Ruby Gem for autowriting Python subroutines for Bianca, a memorizing ch...
163,9112,314fillable_pdf_swiftletswiftlet fill form for pdf
163,9112,314ruxmlSimple fast XML parser
163,9112,314libspecinfraRuby binding for libspecinfra.
163,9352,313hjnew_calctestSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
163,9352,313flame-raven_contextHelper class for Sentry reports via `sentry-raven` gem from Flame web applications.
163,9352,313markup_maskBreak apart strings that contain HTML markup, or JavaScript syntax
163,9352,313harper_view_tool'Provides generated HTML data for Rails applicaiton'
163,9352,313placerAutomates Deployment via ssh and sftp. Focuses on simplicity.
163,9352,313tdog_mega_lottoA practice MegaLotto gem for drawing lottery numbers.