Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
163981-164000 of all 180,534 gems.
163,9692,303strongmind-schoology-clientAPI wrapper for Schoology LMS API
163,9692,303lubamay_view_toolPovides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,9692,303lemke_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,9692, api wrapper
163,9692,303InvalidViewToola description with stuff and stuff
163,9692,303myrbA code snippets collection maybe usefull.
163,9692,303omniauth-redditReddit strategy for OmniAuth
163,9692,303super_dicelong dice description
163,9692,303capistrano-uwsgiSimple uWSGI management with capistrano
163,9692,303sprite_mapGenerate sprites from images at runtime, to cache and speed up subsequent requests
163,9692,303urlkitUrlKit ruby screenshot generator
163,9692,303hola_kanishkaMy First Ruby Gem
163,9692,303loriot-rbThis gem let you to connect to Loriot cloud system and manage your registered devices.
163,9692,303mlabs-dangerDanger runs on CI and reports common code review chores, code quality and test coverage.
163,9692,303mega_lotto_twoA Ruby gem to generate lottery drawings
163,9692,303marcel-test-gemtests RubyGems publishing process.
163,9692,303aws-transcoder-railsAWS Elastic Transcoder Rails Library
163,9982,302applistCreates a list of free apps available on the Apple app store.
163,9982,302riot_api_v3get data from v3 of the riot api
163,9982,302semaphoreci_apiRuby HTTP client for the Semaphore CI API.