Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
163961-163980 of all 180,534 gems.
163,9492,304dlssRuby utilities for
163,9492,304logger_liteVery lite logger gem for Nastika
163,9492,304todolist_projectThis is a simple todo list manager!
163,9492,304omniauth-voupeOmniAuth strategy for Voupe
163,9492,304thresherA utility to that takes url's from records in SHARE and harvests file content.
163,9492,304t_t_view_toolProvides generated HTML dat for Rails applications.
163,9492,304unirest-bharthurSimplified, lightweight HTTP client library
163,9492,304fastlane-plugin-submit_to_beta_app_reviewSubmits an already processed build to Beta App Review.
163,9692,303trulioo_sdkTrulioo Ruby SDK
163,9692,303neospeechRuby wrapper for NeoSpeech Text to Speech API
163,9692,303lemmon_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,9692,303jekyll-tailwindcssIntegrate Tailwind CSS into your Jekyll site.
163,9692,303fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-put-timestampCloudwatch put metric plugin for fluentd.
163,9692,303endangered_species_2CLI Data gem scraping
163,9692,303unidad_utilSome deployment-tool-specific tasks to accompany unidad.
163,9692,303stacker-yamlStacker helps you assemple and manage CloudFormation stacks and dependencies.
163,9692,303rails_environment_credentialsAdd support for different credentials for different environments to Rails
163,9692,303gilman_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
163,9692,303omniauth-zeuswpiA Zeus WPI strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to Zauth with your ruby ...
163,9692,303jashmenn-restful-authenticationGenerates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rsp...