Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
164761-164780 of all 180,507 gems.
164,7592,262api_navigatorApiNavigator base on api_navigator from Oriol Gual
164,7592,262leftpad_paulw911leftpad_paulw911 gem - this is purely a personal test gem.
164,7592,262opentox-datasetOpenTox Dataset Service
164,7592,262jekyll-site-treeA jekyll generator which creates a site-tree consisting of all the files in the output ...
164,7592,262jekyll-tailwindcssIntegrate Tailwind CSS into your Jekyll site.
164,7592,262montoya_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,7592,262yoshiken_no_gemkoreha yoshiken no gem desuyo
164,7592,262datetime_formatterDatetimeFormatter is useful for follow the same date time format throughout the applica...
164,7592,262ippGet computer public IP address using ''
164,7592,262sean_phillips_view_toolAdds current year, copyright symbol, and name
164,7592,262akido_libDescription of AkidoLib.
164,7592,262czanfir_copyright_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,7592,262acts_as_nosqlIt allows to handle JSON and JSONB fields as if they are proper database columns, handl...
164,7592,262spammyWrite a longer description or delete this line.
164,7592,262embed_viewEmbed partial inline into your views to increase performance of rendering.
164,7592,262logstash-output-swiftThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
164,7592,262mimusThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
164,7592,262commit_formatCommit-format is a utility to make it easier generating Pull Request descriptions from ...
164,7592,262tetris_pavliad1Semestral work for subject NI-RUB of Adam Pavlis ([email protected])
164,7802,261markdown_usageOutput a colorized version of your program's usage using a Markdown document embedded i...