Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
164781-164800 of all 180,507 gems.
164,7802,261ittyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
164,7802,261weixin_authorize_905weixin api authorize access_token
164,7802,261rivero_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,7802,261jruby-async-profilerThis gem contains the sources and build scripts to build the async-profiler JVM plugin....
164,7802,261stuartambient_view_toolJust outputs name and year and copyright symbol
164,7802,261google-gmail-apiA Ruby interface to Gmail API (NO IMAP, NO SMTP). Search, read and send multipart ema...
164,7802,261nunciumRuby client to access available SOAP services of ISDS (CZ datovka)
164,7802,261jwt_meSimple JWT Cli
164,7802,261testrailsA ruby interface for testrail's api
164,7802,261file-rackFile-based rack session mechanism keeping only session_id in the cookie.
164,7802,261maeku_coreA journal for all of your thoughts and feelings.
164,7802,261regis-lectorSuper simple Moodle site scraper for Frank Matranga's high school
164,7952,260array_fast_methodsFast methods for ruby stats
164,7952,260vagrant-package-vmwareEnables Vagrant to package a running VMware environment into a box
164,7952,260tardyTardy HTTP responses
164,7952,260active_model_serializers_customActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...
164,7952,260scraypaWeb scraper with support for proxy, Tor and javascript.