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165161-165180 of all 180,448 gems.
165,1482,231google-apis-blockchainnodeengine_v1This is the simple REST client for Blockchain Node Engine API V1. Simple REST clients a...
165,1482,231cocoapods-miBincocoapods-miBin is a plugin which helps develpers switching pods between source code an...
165,1482,231pakistan_citiesShow all cities of Pakistan.
165,1482,231bit_stringsGenerate all the strings of n bits.
165,1482,231leica_sc_finder_appStarts with a list of Leica Screw Mount Camera categories from The user ...
165,1482,231fishtankAn experiment to map various attributes of the Phenoscape KB to cartoon figures, using ...
165,1482,231electrum_rpc_json_clientWrapper for Electrum's JSON RPC API
165,1482,231smart-admin-pageMakes you install, faster, smarter, more maintainable
165,1692,230from_numbers_to_wordsgem will convert any numbre to words. For e.g -> 12 o/p - tweleve.
165,1692,230chime-appiumThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
165,1692,230rsolr-cloud-customThe connection adopter supporting SolrCloud for RSolr
165,1692,230mulangjsMulang JS wrapper gem
165,1692,230schimel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications.
165,1692,230rampartxRack authentication middleware
165,1692,230ggtranslateuse google translate service without struggles
165,1692,230byteobjectByteObject is a module designed to make working with exact-length byte values in Ruby p...
165,1692,230inventive_labs_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,1692,230anystreamRuby streaming client for any backend
165,1692,230acts_as_entity_and_relation_shipThis library provide 2 acts_as modules, acts_as_entity and acts_as_relationship, so it ...
165,1692,230json-schema_dslA builder dsl to programatically build json-schemas that are co...