Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
165201-165220 of all 180,530 gems.
165,1962,237crazy_gemMy crazy_gem is on live today
165,1962,237CUTMProvides convertion functions between Lon/Lat and UTM(54) coordinates
165,1962,237CWRU_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
165,1962,237leica_sc_finder_appStarts with a list of Leica Screw Mount Camera categories from The user ...
165,1962,237kimayaCore calculations for TPN
165,1962,237rpg_toolsrpg_tools gives you tools for your RPGs : dices, coins, cards...
165,1962,237owen_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,2082,236workarea-filter_dropdownsTransform browse and search filters into dropdowns using jQuery UI Accordion
165,2082,236email_validation_nkulkarnigem for email validation
165,2082,236opentox-featureSimple OpenTox Feature Service
165,2082,236schimel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications.
165,2082,236fastlane-plugin-google_chat_messageSend simple text messages to Google Chat
165,2082,236json-schema_dslA builder dsl to programatically build json-schemas that are co...
165,2082,236rsolr-cloud-customThe connection adopter supporting SolrCloud for RSolr
165,2082,236inventive_labs_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,2082,236rails_starterRails Starter
165,2082,236anystreamRuby streaming client for any backend
165,2082,236elevationGoogle Elevation API client
165,2082,236ruby_controlerA simple hello world gem
165,2082,236cocoapods-miBincocoapods-miBin is a plugin which helps develpers switching pods between source code an...