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Most downloads over all time
165441-165460 of all 181,049 gems.
165,4392,278bubbling-aleBubbling Ale is a Jekyll theme, designed specifically for Github Pages
165,4392,278mega-osA big chaotic attempt at making a web operating system
165,4392,278byteobjectByteObject is a module designed to make working with exact-length byte values in Ruby p...
165,4392,278stone_view_toolprovides generated HTML data for Rails Applications
165,4392,278fastlane-plugin-mynewplunew plugin
165,4392,278ipsumizerGenerate lorem ipsum text from a text sample.
165,4392,278subjusterA command line tool to adjust your movie subtitle files while while playing audio and s...
165,4392,278ashladh_palindromePalindrome exercise
165,4392,278glennr-ey-scpQuickly copy files (e.g. YMLs or configuration files) to multiple EngineYard servers
165,4392,278hi_maxMy first gem which says hi.
165,4392,278k8s_ciThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
165,4392,278hooola_mundoA short desciption
165,4392,278muru_test_gemHello World muru_test_gem Summary
165,4392,278knitting_yarn_dealsAs a knitter I am always looking for yarn deals even though I have a basement full of y...
165,4392,278return_manyReturns many values from the method. You can extract it via order or via names.
165,4392,278tick_tockTickTock makes it easy to wrap your Ruby code to measure nested timings and to log them...
165,4572,277gen_brainGenerate subspecies of brainf*ck.
165,4572,277hive_rubyGem to allow connecting to a hive server
165,4572,277develop_with_styleCreate global and local CSS with very little effort.
165,4572,277anystreamRuby streaming client for any backend