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165381-165400 of all 180,702 gems.
165,3612, is a provider of mass SMS sending service in Iran and this is the ruby gem ...
165,3612,244vincent_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications.
165,3612,244packaryThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
165,3612,244jsonarCommand-line tool for searching in JSON files
165,3612,244muppetWrite a longer description or delete this line.
165,3862,243omniauth-tianjian omniauth strategy for tianji
165,3862,243s3-clientIt is a simple AWS S3 library for Ruby
165,3862,243TearDownPlugini need a job
165,3862,243hello_test_gem_9001Make gem for the first time for description.
165,3862,243solidus_legacy_stock_systemLegacy stock system for Solidus
165,3862,243opentox-featureSimple OpenTox Feature Service
165,3862,243envelope_allocThis gem can use gaussian algorithm allocation a number
165,3862,243SimpleMailVery Simple gem for send mail
165,3862,243logstash-filter-javascriptThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash using $LS...
165,3862,243elevationGoogle Elevation API client
165,3862,243fastlane-plugin-postmarkFastlane plugin to public message to SNS topic.
165,3862,243similaritybairesdevWrite a longer description or delete this line.
165,3862,243verbal_pants_cool_view_toolProvides generates HTML data for rails application.
165,3862,243yelp-businessProvides and easy to use model wrapping Yelp Business
165,3862,243rk_printboxThis gem prints a command line word in the shape of a box