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165521-165540 of all 180,689 gems.
165,5212,233tejota_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,5212,233studio_game_2021Table of Contents <...
165,5212,233rails-api-schemeProvides simple error handling and param processing scheme to...
165,5212,233test-jqfluent-plungin-jq is a collection of fluentd plugins which uses the jq engine to transf...
165,5212,233lightek_vpmLightekVPM is a versatile solution that helps you manage X and Y efficiently.
165,5212,233mega_lotto_benchmarkGenerates & benchmarks random lottery numbers.
165,5212,233oss-clientAliyun oss client
165,5212,233google-apis-cloudcommerceprocurement_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Commerce Partner Procurement API V1. Simple RE...
165,5212,233piparoteUse object methods like Unix pipes
165,5212,233torgi_govWrapper from api
165,5212,233wifidiagQuick Wi-Fi diagnostic page for users, to support network ops
165,5212,233view_component-no_componentUpdates the view_component generators to remove the Component suffix.
165,5212,233smart_proxy_m2M2 smart proxy plugin for Foreman
165,5212,233sixarm_ruby_sign_out_simpleSign Out methods for a a simple session in a Rails application
165,5212,233grape_odataThe ODATA query pattern allows API's to talk to clients like Microsoft Excel, and other...
165,5212,233plazzap_view_toolThis is just a small ruby gem for the devcamp project.
165,5212,233project_basepthSimple function to find the root of a project tree
165,5392,232jgdc-railsDescription of Jgdc::Rails.
165,5392,232ropen3Wrapper around Open3.popen3 with rbenv support