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Most downloads over all time
165541-165560 of all 180,689 gems.
165,5392,232thomas_view_toolProvides generated HTML.
165,5392,232cfn-hupcfn-hup configset: configures and ensures cfn-hup is running
165,5392,232gobig_gohome"Start game with GBOGH.start(numberofplayers1-4)"
165,5392,232hello_allA simple hello world gem
165,5392,232payloaderwebhook send library
165,5392,232fluent-plugin-k8sfluent plugin for get k8s simple metadata.
165,5392, API gem (import and export)
165,5392,232tamashii-nfcNFC is a ruby wrapper for the Near Field Communication library. The Near Field Communi...
165,5392,232vagrant-openstack-provider-illuinEnables Vagrant to manage machines in OpenStack Cloud.
165,5392,232dependency_managerManages and loads large collections of dependencies and wraps them into a service conta...
165,5522,231bootstrap-extended-utilitiesAn extension of Twitter's Bootstrap Utility classes
165,5522,231jass-rollupRollup for Sprockets and the Rails asset pipeline
165,5522,231forallRuby generative property test library (ala QuickCheck)
165,5522,231lazy-config_forEasy way to handle rails config_for
165,5522,231string_ariburrLearning how to publish a gem
165,5522,231rails_profilerRails engine that reveals high level profiling information of your Rails pages
165,5522,231tensorflow-rubyTensorflow bindings for ruby
165,5522,231omniauth-registrarOmniAuth strategy to simplify sign up / sign in process
165,5522,231jet-typeSafe type coercion for the Jet Toolkit.