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165961-165980 of all 180,418 gems.
165,9572,174numo-linalg-randsvdNumo::Linalg.randsvd is a module function on Numo::Linalg for truncated singular value ...
165,9572,174app_perform_metricsGem used to measure performance of a Ruby on Rails application
165,9572,174greetrSend predefined greetings.
165,9572,174rabbit-theme-starqleThe Rabbit theme for Starqle family.
165,9572,174release_robotAutomate release tasks
165,9572,174github-csv-changelogMost useful for squash merge commits on Github - this gem links pull request from each ...
165,9572,174jkeeperSave hash to local json file, load .json to hash
165,9692,173bundler_gem_blockAdds support to pass a block to `gem` directive in Gemfile for organising plugins of de...
165,9692,173ubiquity-vdmsGem and utilities to interact with Verizon Digital Media Services.
165,9692,173merciAutomatically star ruby gem your project depend on
165,9692,173array_attributesArrayAttributes - Rails Concern to encapsulate common array attributes methods
165,9692,173sobiratelThis gem can parse SEO-params from html-page by URL (title, meta-tags, headers H1, cont...
165,9692,173linked_in_archive_to_resumeLinkedIn Archive to HTML Resume.
165,9692,173cookiejar-futureAllows for parsing and returning cookies in Ruby HTTP client code
165,9692,173decidim-galleryDecidim Gallery Module.
165,9692,173soltius-ciTools and Helpers for Terraform, Packer, Chef and other automations
165,9692,173centraDealing with Centra stuff, i.e reading export files, generating summaries, matching ord...
165,9692,173find_dark_intervalsFinds sections in a video with sufficient darkness using ffmpeg, ImageMagick and standa...
165,9692,173double_entry-reportingTools to build your double entry financial ledger