Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
166861-166880 of all 180,507 gems.
166,8472,133callerInitialize class instance with .call method
166,8472,133idcard_operationChinese idcard operation
166,8632,132libbomNative library (based on hogliux/bomutils) to access Apple BOM (Bill of Materials) files.
166,8632,132cucumber-reportsGem that builds a very basic page with list of all the step deifinitions from the project.
166,8632,132has_checksumAutomatically calculate checksums and signatures from the values of your ActiveRecord o...
166,8632,132knuckleheads1313minimilistic die roll game
166,8632,132spencerSpencer massively simplifies the distribution process of enterprise apps.
166,8632,132tdd-themeTDD Grid theme
166,8632,132fastlane-plugin-version_managerVersion manager
166,8632,132spingThis is a reimplementation in Ruby of the reference implementation of the sping protoco...
166,8632,132bimbamboom_searchAdd support to search through (potentially large) belongs_to associations in your Admin...
166,8632,132tmocfilesA simple hello world gem
166,8632,132fluent-plugin-redis-enrichmentfluentd plugin to do data enrichment with redis.
166,8632,132solidus_sliderAdds a slider to the homepage
166,8632,132spotify-ruby-kevBuild integrations with the different Spotify APIs inside of your application. For more...
166,8632,132mayThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
166,8632,132pips_slider_railspips slider for rails app
166,8632,132STEMConstantsA library of constants with functionality to convert to different units
166,8632,132haloariA simple hello world gem