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Most downloads over all time
166881-166900 of all 180,507 gems.
166,8812,131variety-format-loggerdefault, JSON, LTSV logger.
166,8812,131itexmoA very simple way of sending SMS through REST API
166,8812,131data_maintenanceStubs out a new data maintenance script.
166,8812,131jekyll-airtable_dataJekyll plugin to pull down your Airtable tables to Datafiles.json
166,8812,131rubocop_deafault_configA simple gem to generate default config for RuboCop
166,8812,131WTC_WTC_ tools that can be generally used by staff, maybe students.
166,8812,131ninja-build-helpersNinja is a simple Ruby DSL for generating ninja build files.
166,8812,131relish-billingHandles billing
166,8812,131bootstrap-gtreetable-railsbootstrap-gtreetable.js asset pipeline provider/wrapper
166,8812,131tabcmdThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
166,8812,131spree-midtrans-gatewayMidtrans payment gateway for Spree framework
166,8812,131practical-pigPractical Pig is an opinionated Ruby on Rails template that makes use of webpacker-pnpm...
166,8812,131sigcdumpSigdump for C backtrace
166,8812,131base_apiBASE is a Japanese service that allows you to easily open an online shop. Please check ...
166,8812,131eclaircirRuby Clarifai API wrapper that aims to be complete, tested and covered
166,8812,131pocketmpocketm ruby gem calculates your expenses by asking for inputs and writes them to a fil...
166,8982,130i_did_meanAutofix your typos, by leveraging DidYouMean suggestions.
166,8982,130tableau_rubyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
166,8982,130josqu4red-gha-testGem to test GH actions