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166901-166920 of all 180,507 gems.
166,8982,130http_accept_language_v2Find out which locale the user preferes by reading the languages they specified in thei...
166,8982,130ecko-plugins-sponsorAdds mastodon functionality to donate to an instance and sponsorship tags
166,8982,130garofiA modest environment variables loader
166,8982,130anzebra_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
166,8982,130andyw8-seeing_is_believingRecords the results of every line of code in your file (intended to be like xmpfilter),...
166,8982,130nutrientes0100830200Práctica 6: Valor calórico de macronutrientes y micronutrientes
166,8982,130dk_crawlerA simple web crawler gem
166,8982,130fastlane-plugin-napp_notificationsNapp Notifications
166,9102,129sensu-plugins-process-count-metricsA Sensu plug-in to provide count metrics for processes
166,9102,129associated_scopeActiveRecord preloads works only with model associations, this gem allow to create dyna...
166,9102,129validate_meAutomatically adds validations to ActiveRecord models that match your database constraints
166,9102,129posix-shortA simpler way to use POSIX gem to run processes
166,9102,129drbusA control center for distributed Ruby system.
166,9102,129soft_validationsAdds soft validations (warnings) to ActiveModel
166,9102,129simple-projRuby extension library for PROJ 7
166,9102,129http-log-analyzerAnalyze HTTP log files.
166,9102,129eiland_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
166,9102,129updated-mandrill-apiA Ruby API library for the Mandrill email as a service platform. Only updated.
166,9102,129rekTrying to make copilations actually be automatic.