Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167121-167140 of all 180,518 gems.
167,1112,116dummy-serializerDummy serialization
167,1112,116lita-deucedoubling numbers
167,1112,116foreman_wdsAdds support for orchestrating WDS deployments with Foreman.
167,1112,116resque-batchAdds methods for working with Batch Jobs
167,1112,116tema-boostrap-basico-SYTWCPequeño modelo diseñado con boostrap.
167,1112,116i18n-lightA light implementation to add internationalization into your apps.
167,1112,116jorb_dispatcher_buildkiteJorb dispatch buildkite, of course
167,1112,116rabbit-slide-unasuke-omotesandorb-41omotesando.rb #41
167,1112,116wj-jquery-railsThis gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 4+ application.
167,1312,115deepselectProvides a method to retrieve the image most similar to the specified image from the ar...
167,1312,115latex_evalThis gem can be used to parse and then evaluate simple latex expressions.
167,1312,115github_events_exportExport GitHub events to JSON files
167,1312,115voteable_chianThe best voting gem ever.
167,1312,115aoradmin template
167,1312,115nutrientes12345This gem includes a class that was built using test-driven development with rspec. It c...
167,1312,115list_parserParses a list of items from HTML
167,1312,115jekyll-panguAutomatically add spacing between CJK and other characters for all your Jekyll posts
167,1312,115rutileFlex and Bison functionality, but in ruby and 10 times slower! Don't use this for big p...