Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167141-167160 of all 180,507 gems.
167,1392,113hammock-rubyKind of like Clojure, but Rubyish
167,1392,113qcloud_vodqcloud vod ruby sdk
167,1392,113openassetsThe implementation of the Open Assets Protocol for Ruby.
167,1392,113gem_template_rbРус, есть какой-нить шаблон для гемов, чтобы мозга не е*ать?
167,1392,113musikiBuilt on the intructions from the book "Türk Musıkisi Nazariyatı ve Usulleri-Kudüm Velv...
167,1392,113delayed_job_metricsDelayed Job Promtheues Metrcis
167,1392,113hola_stazmanMy first gem
167,1392,113happenedHandy ruby gem that generates a whatever? methods for each whatever_at attribute.
167,1392,113disjoint_set_forestA Ruby implementation of the disjoint set forest, or union find, data structure. This i...
167,1392,113edit_distanceCalculate edit distance (levenshtein distance)
167,1392,113unwhereRemove where conditions from your AR relations
167,1392,113arngerA simple hello world gem
167,1392,113fried-serviceService object interface
167,1542,112active_admin_paranoia_2This gem extends ActiveAdmin so that batch restore and batch archive actions will be av...
167,1542,112localio-simonzAutomatic Localizable file generation for multiple platforms (Rails YAML, Android, Java...
167,1542,112localshelfLocalshelf allows users to manage and share their ebooks within a local network through...
167,1542,112seb_devcamp_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
167,1542,112encuisineEn Cuisine ! API wrapper, the open database about recipes.
167,1542,112list_parserParses a list of items from HTML
167,1542,112eratosthenesA prime number utility based on the sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm.