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Most downloads over all time
167181-167200 of all 180,507 gems.
167,1712,111mumuki-r-runnerR Runner for Mumuki
167,1712,111Aqara_localizableAqaraHome 多语言插件集成到Cocoapods. 项目通过Pod install就可以直接从多语言平台更新项目多语言文件到项目文件中.
167,1712,111halcyon_apiA Ruby libary wrapper for the Vainglory API
167,1712,111movie_recommenderThis a CLI app that recommends recent movies
167,1712,111sinamakSimple Language Translator
167,1712,111jekyll-openui5Jekyll Theme including SAP's JavaScript UI library OpenUI5
167,1712,111data_worksDataWorks makes it easier to work with FactoryBot in the context of a complex data model.
167,1882,110yamchayaml validator
167,1882,110jordandwhalenAn experiment in rebuilding my personal site in Jekyll
167,1882,110top-tvLists the top television shows as rated on the Rotten Tomatoes website.
167,1882,110oakdex-breedingPokémon Breeding Matcher and Egg Generator, based on oakdex-pokedex
167,1882,110carthframieMakes easy to use Carthage dependency manager
167,1882,110vinzThis is a description
167,1882,110ntcPort of ntc.js by Chirag Mehta
167,1882,110japan_plane_rectangularConversion between WGS and Japan plane rectangular CS
167,1882,110ts_helperGenerate TypeScript interfaces from Active Record models.
167,1882,110vv5cvTema para hacer CVs de vectorVcinco. Diseñado por Itzel Schiaffini, implementado por Iv...
167,1882,110predecimalConverts between modern GBP and Pre-decimal pound, shilling, pence money system.
167,1882,110seconds_to_hhmmssSimple gem that converts seconds into HH:MM:SS format
167,1882,110casbinAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Ruby