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Most downloads over all time
167361-167380 of all 180,434 gems.
167,3562,087rails_testRuby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...
167,3562,087kana-estimatorA simple kana estimator
167,3562,087number_muncherTiny ruby library for dealing with fractions.
167,3562,087word_generatorGiven letters, generates possible english words.
167,3562,087stock_inquiryProvides information on stocks
167,3562,087Quintero_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
167,3562,087artsciiPrints out simple ascii art figures.
167,3562,087zoteroProvide easy Ruby access to Zotero, for e.g. generating online bibliographies and readi...
167,3562,087kanal-plugins-user_systemLibrary that provides user feature, with saving users and their properties
167,3562,087influxdb_data_harvesterAllows aggregating results of Rspec tests into InfluxDB
167,3562,087gemneticA genetic algorithm implementation
167,3562,087weakest_linkChain multiple methods together safely without having to repeat the safe navigation ope...
167,3742,086activebroadcastMakes it simpler to integrate CableReady and StimulusReflex with ActiveRecord callbacks
167,3742,086rails_contributor_gendersAnalyze the genders of names of Rails contributors
167,3742,086interphaseA powerful, easy-to-use, native-looking GUI library
167,3742,086valuable_gemMy valuable_gem is on live today
167,3742,086gcen-clientGCEN API: Generic Investment API 0.1.1