Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167441-167460 of all 180,554 gems.
167,4352,098cymonCymon is the largest open tracker of malware, phishing, botnets, spam, and more. Brough...
167,4352,098lauwers_copyright_toolAdds a dynamic copyright description of your view
167,4352,098activebroadcastMakes it simpler to integrate CableReady and StimulusReflex with ActiveRecord callbacks
167,4352,098nounsnouns - generate your own 32×32 pixel avatar images (off-blockchain) from text attribut...
167,4352,098haoyaoshihaoyaoshi drug api Ruby Server SDK.
167,4352,098tracksterDescription of Trackster.
167,4352,098shynessPost student questions from the command line to the API developed at s-espinosa/ask.
167,4352,098birdmongerTwitterServer-based Rack handler
167,4352,098output-syslogThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
167,4352,098best_books_mdPulls details about winners of the 2018 Goodreads Choice Awards
167,4352,098finalize_blockJoke gem - This gem provide `finalize_block` method.
167,4352,098prct06_alu0100948097Practica de laboratorio #6 TDD
167,4552,097rspec-soundplay sound around executing specs
167,4552,097niebieskiA minimal blue theme for Jekyll
167,4552,097awesome_typeThe implementation of some types with Ruby.
167,4552,097valuable_gemMy valuable_gem is on live today
167,4552,097rails_contributor_gendersAnalyze the genders of names of Rails contributors
167,4552,097tantrumTantrum is a commandline tool that creates Github issues, using pull requests you feed ...