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167701-167720 of all 181,049 gems.
167,6942,135stable-matchingA ruby implementation of various stable matching algorithms
167,6942,135basic_address_fieldsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
167,6942,135dtotDo This On That (dtot) sequentially runs commands on one or more hosts in the specified...
167,6942,135coffeerailsYou probably meant `gem install coffee-rails`.
167,6942,135is_dockerCheck if ruby is running inside docker
167,6942,135jekyll-stripeA Jekyll plugin for easily letting site visitors buy products you've set up in your Str...
167,6942,135coffeescriptsourceYou probably meant `gem install coffee-script-source`.
167,6942,135hello_hogereturn your name
167,6942,135discord_archiverArchives a specified channel in a Discord server.
167,6942,135scrapbox_clientYou can use easy scrapbox client.
167,7122,134idempotent_blockExecute passed transaction block by once using database unique key.
167,7122,134mailer_gemmailer_gem is an sending mail gem
167,7122,134nat20Nat20 adds easy to use dice rolling functionality with input in the style of table top ...
167,7122,134volunteer_matchWill show closest foodbanks based on zipcode.
167,7122,134wisper-bubbleableA Wisper plugin to bubble events up to parent listener
167,7122,134whcalThes gem calculate the difference between two date time values. The output depends on t...
167,7122,134sensu-plugins-sparkSensu spark plugins
167,7122,134aspen-diskinfoA colorful replacement for `lsblk`, `gdisk -l`, `blkid`, `df`, and `mount` that gives a...