Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167781-167800 of all 180,702 gems.
167,7672,090ruby_coinexchangeEasy to get the data from CoinExchange API. CoinExchange API is v1, so this gem should ...
167,7672,090find_my_steedA gem to help you find a steed! The most worty will be rewarded the ultimate prize.
167,7672,090jekyll-maps-debuggingGoogle Maps support in Jekyll blog to easily embed maps with posts' locations
167,7842,089packagecloud-maven-importerImports/Mirrors a local Maven repository to
167,7842,089incontactA Ruby gem to access the InContact API
167,7842,089gap-launcherGap launcher
167,7842,089railspressRailsPress is a Rails Engine that provide Blog features to your project
167,7842,089cocoapods-static-frameworktransform all pods to static framework
167,7842,089JSONiCalThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
167,7842,089request_infoDetect request IP, timezone and locale information with ease
167,7842,089cloudflare-dynamic-dnsDont rely on shady tools for updating your ip.
167,7842,089kitchen-nodes-lobatoaA Test Kitchen Provisioner for Chef Nodes
167,7842,089citibike-nycCitibikenyc is an API Client
167,7842,089greek-i18ni18n modules for polytonic greek, ancient greek and greeklish
167,7952,088vagrant-ttlGenerate a TeraTerm macro from `vagrant ssh-config`
167,7952,088gemfile_infoShows a description about each gem in your Gemfile.
167,7952,088retentionGem to calculate deletion date for database backups
167,7952,088i_miss_validatorCheck missing validators by database schema.
167,7952,088microsoft_actionmailerUse Microsoft Graph API to send out emails with ActionMailer
167,7952,088repp-heartful_slackrepp-heartful_slack is a powerful handler of Repp for Slack.