Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167621-167640 of all 181,049 gems.
167,6052,140rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20171217前回の発表以降の の管理の話をします。
167,6052,140cardonlineA thin wrapper around the cardonline api
167,6052,140gem-order-layout-infarmaGem to send order - infarma
167,6242,139transaction_qlEmbedded DSL created to filter/categorise bank transactions.
167,6242,139jmapJMAP Ruby client
167,6242,139activebroadcastMakes it simpler to integrate CableReady and StimulusReflex with ActiveRecord callbacks
167,6242,139gitdigWeekly digest for your github account
167,6242,139ookkeeDouble entry bookkeeping.
167,6242,139wobaduserLightweight Active Directory LDAP read access
167,6242,139logstash-output-mongodb_3.6This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
167,6242,139piwik-middlemanAdd tracking code for piwik
167,6242,139activefunctionActiveFunction is a collection of gems designed to be used with Function as a Service (...
167,6242,139time_turnerGenerate random dates based on relative constraints
167,6242,139periodGem that helps defining period of time.
167,6242,139purecloudclient_v2aJust a test
167,6242,139rbsievAn evaluator of Scheme language written in Ruby, which is implemented in SICP Chater 4.
167,6242,139is_it_utf8Fast UTF8 Validator
167,6242,139fluent-plugin-cmdaa-statCMDA plugin to process logdata and save stats to a database
167,6242,139cronitRuby bindings for cronjob scheduling app