Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167821-167840 of all 180,702 gems.
167,8112,087hobby-sso-guardA Rack middleware for SSO(single sign-on).
167,8112,087pubg-apiA Ruby wrapper for
167,8232,086hstore_accessor_moi_solutionsAdds typed hstore backed fields to an ActiveRecord model (FORK).
167,8232,086treasure_huntressTreasure hunting game
167,8232,086sequel_impalasequel_impala adds an Impala shared adapter, impala adapter, and jdbc/hive2 adapter for...
167,8232,086hola_ikhrnetA simple hello world gem
167,8232,086iowa-schedulerDistributed Offline Data Pipeline Scheduler
167,8232,086cocoapods-packager-hiraCocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a pods...
167,8232,086get_process_mem_pss_fixedGet memory usage of a process in Ruby
167,8232,086mu-jsonWraps JSON to return result objects.
167,8232,086omniauth-ainews-authGem to use with Ainews Auth Omniauth provider
167,8232,086gifshouldbedeadScreencast based on the libs gstreamer and gtk3 from the ruby-gnome2 project
167,8232,086eventflit-clientClient for consuming WebSockets from
167,8232,086rhubarbcipherRHUBARBCIPHER is a plausibly deniable multi-key file encryption/decryption system for G...
167,8352,085xuite_blog_to_hugo_gemxuite_blog_to_hugo_gem is the converter from xuite blog .mt file to hugo .md
167,8352,085sabole01_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
167,8352,085anime-railsAnime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API....
167,8352,085shopify-reportShopify reports which are not available through API
167,8352,085casemanager_clientNo description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
167,8352,085image_comparableAn easy way to create your visual regression tests