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Most downloads over all time
167881-167900 of all 180,530 gems.
167,8682,065kittastropheThis client does what you want, when you want it, on your CLI
167,8682,065top_grossing_moviesScrapes a newsday website:
167,8682,065imasgenRandom name generator using character's name from Idolmaster series.
167,8682,065illness_ageCollege project
167,8852,064kvvliveapiAllows to retrieve live information about train and bus depatures as well as informatio...
167,8852,064hex256just has a method to take an ANSI 256 # and spit out a hex
167,8852,064eternalA parser for event timings and schedules
167,8852,064explicit_bzeroruby already has explicit_bzero, why not use it.
167,8852,064view_toolSimple gem that shows copyrights information on the view layer
167,8852,064citadel-sdkA simple way to publish messages on Citadel
167,8852,064plant_info_scraperGem to search plants by zip code which grow well in a user's area.
167,8852,064websocket-serverWebsocket Server for JRuby is a websocket server with a file server to support a demo j...
167,8852,064lopez_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
167,8852,064hola_tetso1A simple hello world gem
167,8852,064xpectSpecs for Hashes in the terms of Hashes.
167,8852,064biilabs-testA gem to work with "BiiLabs" Tangle.
167,8852,064appletA simple hello world gem
167,8852,064domainnameYou probably meant `gem install domain_name`.
167,8852,064rbencrypt2Full description here
167,8852,064Gol_ColConway's Game of Life is awesome gem.