Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167901-167920 of all 180,530 gems.
167,8852,064eztagparserA simple way of extracting cheeky HTML Tags.
167,8852,064upcloudCommand line cli for api
167,8852,064json_to_graphqlThis is an even longer description of how this gem converts JSO...
167,9042,063artqartq - query (ethereum) blockchain contracts / services for (meta) data about art colle...
167,9042,063jekyll-prettierJekyll (Ruby static website generator) plugin that runs prettier on generated outputs.
167,9042,063seated_pluginThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
167,9042,063wltWlt is a command line application and API to translate text using the Watson Language T...
167,9042,063game_of_life_gtoA Ruby implementation of Conway's Game of Life to play in terminal with example pattern...
167,9042,063reverse_polish_calculatorReverse Polish calculator
167,9042,063vorsprungVorsprung generates base Rails applications and stays up-to-date with best practices.
167,9042,063simple_exchange_rateAn exercise take on a simple exchange rate library
167,9042,063deep_merge-railsA gemified implementation of Rails' #deep_merge
167,9042,063motion-ostructAdd variations of attr_accessor for RubyMotion for iOS & macOS
167,9042,063rabin_dynamic_footerThis gem comes very handy when you have to print out dynamic content for the footer lik...
167,9042,063horejs_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
167,9162,062jquery_narrowsAdd assets of jquery_narrows to ruby on rails
167,9162,062otb_job_queueSolution for the OTB Job Queue Challenge
167,9162,062very_eager_loadingThe nuclear option for the N+1 query problem.
167,9162,062northpassA cli to develop custom templates for and upload to SchoolKeep.
167,9162,062gryphon_nestA slightly opinionated static website generator for those who like working in html and ...