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Most downloads over all time
168281-168300 of all 180,402 gems.
168,2772,024wordpress-formattingImplements WordPress formatting functions in Ruby
168,2772,024rdrails5Sammy Lin's Redactor rails gem fixed for Rails 5.1
168,2772,024stupid_spacesRemove leading and trailing spaces from ActiveRecord string attributes
168,2772,024kuziraExtend Ruby object as ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
168,2772,024kkulrails is kkul gem
168,2772,024lexiconDictionary and Thesaurus
168,2772,024httpcookieYou probably meant `gem install http-cookie`.
168,2772,024immutable_stackWhen we need work with an immutable stack. This is a simple implementation
168,2772,024lone_wolfBackground worker process API
168,2772,024coupa_snake_view_toolThe description
168,2772,024logstash-input-mqtt-exThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
168,2772,024number_placeFor more information
168,2772,024weatherGemWeatherGem scrapes to retrieve forecast data for user speicfied zip codes. ...
168,2772,024seed_dump_citusDump (parts) of your database to db/seeds.rb to get a headstart creating a meaningful s...
168,2952,023elong-hotelThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
168,2952,023GuysFitnessAppuse this app to track your fitness progress by keeping track of previous lifts and bein...
168,2952,023devise-webauthnDevise extension to support WebAuthn.
168,2952,023shibu_rggThis is a test
168,2952,023acts_as_pluggableDescription of ActsAsPluggable.
168,2952,023nyt_bestsellers_cli_gemProvides information on the latest New York Times Bestsellers List