Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
169021-169040 of all 180,488 gems.
169,0091,990vagrant-reverse_sambaSets up a 'reverse samba share' with a local vagrant instance. This allows the Vagrant ...
169,0091,990jekyll-theme-uswdsJekyll theme providing the U.S. Web Design System sass and assets for building on top of.
169,0091,990voteable-akshatThe best voting gem ever.
169,0091,990embulk-formatter-mysql_xmlEmbulk formatter plugin to output value for MySQL's `LOAD XML` statement.
169,0251,989sluggable-akshatAs part of Launchschool course.
169,0251,989states-dslCreate AWS Step Function JSON from a DSL
169,0251,989BRLLBRLL is literaly an one line programming language made with love in ruby, adds a new sy...
169,0251,989completeness_modelCalculates the Completeness of Rails Model Attributes
169,0251,989jekyll-tacoJekyll theme for a small brochure-style site.
169,0251,989kobo_notes_binderCommand line to export Kobo device notes bound in the book
169,0251,989tinkoff2Ruby wrapper for Tinkoff Acquiring API.
169,0251,989unsyncedRecursivley Find Git Repositories that Aren't Pushed/Pulled
169,0251,989know_your_memeRetrieves retrieve stats on the top 8 entries from's 'Popular' page.
169,0251,989kimobyA gem who generate a list of six characters words that are composed of two concatenate...
169,0251,989brokenConsole logs that are only visible after prefixing commands with 'broken'.
169,0251,989gqlcGenerate ruby code from .graphql
169,0251,989git_pre_commit_debugger_points_checkerA Git pre-commit hook that checks for debugging statements before allowing a commit.
169,0251,989pretty_rubySyntax improvements and other useful methods for ruby
169,0251,989rakshitha_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector
169,0251,989shake_the_counterRuby implementation of the ShakeTheCounter API