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169001-169020 of all 180,488 gems.
168,9811,991semverifyParse, compare, and increment RubyGem versions with the 'semverify' CLI command or the ...
168,9811,991patient_severityA Gem made for my Cloud App Development class
168,9811,991ecs_log_railsConvert rails' multi-line logging into a single line JSON formatted ECS compliant
168,9811,991CRA_logic_shraddhagemAlgorithm to find errors in file
168,9811,991houston-first-pabloAugments a String
168,9811,991Robbe_Bonne_thermostatthis code will check the input temperature,range and wanted temperature. If the tem...
168,9811,991scorchMinimum viable product -- gem.
169,0091,990scruinEvent auditing system for Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL
169,0091,990gambiarra-railsGambiarra for Rails
169,0091,990HelloWorldAAA simple hello world gem
169,0091,990sensei_eod_risk_rubySensei trader risk api gem
169,0091,990harmoniHarmoni keeps configuration files in sync between memory and on disk for hot loading an...
169,0091,990rb-gdalRuby API wrappers to gdal (
169,0091,990env_settingstransfer yaml config to method
169,0091,990organismoConvert Org text to HTML, including headers, code blocks etc.
169,0091,990hola_danielm1202A simple hello world gem
169,0091,990unxlsParser for Microsoft Excel .xls files
169,0091,990erbbERB with Blocks