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168981-169000 of all 180,488 gems.
168,9811,991toastbrot_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
168,9811,991lucid_sqlRead SQL statements from files
168,9811,991connernilsen_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
168,9811,991boxennA ddd-oriented infrastructure for ruby/rails projects based on the dry-rb ecosystem.
168,9811,991logstash-input-facebookThis plugin get the feed data from a facebook account.
168,9811,991structure_conflict_resolverAutomate tedious db/structure.sql conflict resolution
168,9811,991point_out_urlUse liberal Regex for All URLs to test url from text and ruby build in .gsub method to ...
168,9811,991containersManage local development environments with Docker
168,9811,991colorful_consoleinstall it and try 'String.colorful_usage.
168,9811,991git-dev-kitSimple tools for working with Git repositories
168,9811, Ruby SDK
168,9811,991pdftable-apiPdftable.client provides two methods: remaining_pages and convert
168,9811,991iexIEX API client
168,9811,991solidus_import_productssolidus_import_products ... imports products. From a CSV file via Solidus's Admin inter...
168,9811,991sendblueAllows for the sending of messages through the SendBlue service.
168,9811,991speekconvert schema for ridgepole to any schema(like: rbs, GraphQL, ...)
168,9811,991dbotsA stats poster and API wrapper for all botlists.
168,9811,991flashcardQuickly add flashcards to CSV file. Save and Upload to ANKI
168,9811,991view_tool_copyrightJust add one line to your homepage
168,9811,991machida_presenceObject#blank?・Object#present?・Object#presenceの再実装 at Machida.rb