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Most downloads over all time
169241-169260 of all 180,518 gems.
169,2291,979sumacEases implementation of computer to computer communication by enabling programs to pass...
169,2421,978responder_botUse matchers to define a series of commands available to an SMS or other chat interface...
169,2421,978html_entryA simple gem which allows to organize fetching entries \ from plain HTML.
169,2421,978mks_rentThis is an engine which handles construction equipment rental and tracking
169,2421,978cavittycavitty = cellular automata visualizations in the terminal, yo!
169,2421,978bundler-push-host-keyUse the correct api key when pushing gems
169,2421,978windowpaneThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,2421,978SocialEdgeThis ruby library allows you to interact with the RESTFul API.
169,2421,978splunk_formatterThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,2421,978toppayTopPay - Official Gem Of
169,2421,978private_fieldI'm honestly not sure what the difference between a summary and description is but this...
169,2421,978rails-skipperThis will install rails without all additional gems like activestorage actioncable etc.
169,2421,978shanu_gemshanu_gem is the best
169,2421,978jekyll-theme-fosA Tufte inspired minimal blog theme
169,2421,978tachyons-sass-railsSASS assets for for your Rails project.
169,2421,978relay-rubyRelay gem for Ruby
169,2421,978movarousal_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
169,2421,978gmail_compose_encodergmail_compose_encoder is a ruby implementation of googles - specifically gmails - url e...
169,2591,977mivi_consumeto consume details
169,2591,977gaspacho_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.