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Most downloads over all time
169201-169220 of all 180,488 gems.
169,1921,978claimRack authentication for JWT-based APIs
169,1921,978apollo-gridApollo Grid
169,1921,978pronamBengali word for hello
169,1921,978redis-list-source-fluentdThis gem will help you to connect redis and fluentd. With it you'll be able to get your...
169,1921,978pr_getpull request search from commit
169,1921,978InforNutricional"Esta gema calcula datos relacionados con la informaciĆ³n nutricional de un alimento com...
169,1921,978siteguard_lite-log-parserA log parser for SiteGuard Lite WAF
169,2081,977letter_saverDelivers emails to the LetterSaver service.
169,2081,977html_texSimple conversion tool from HTML to TeX. Ignores all styling.
169,2081,977grpc_serializerA simple gem for nested grpc message encoding and decoding
169,2081,977linear_jedi_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
169,2081,977devcamp_view_tool_bshProvides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.
169,2081,977mitiConvert English date(AD) to Nepali date(BS) and vice-versa.
169,2081,977marvel_api_consumerFetches the result from the marvel api gateway
169,2081,977windowpaneThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,2081,977obstinatelyA small command-line utility to retry shell invocations with exponential backoff.
169,2081,977legion-extensionsUsed by a LEX to integrate with Legion
169,2081,977jayamouliThis gem is created for fun
169,2081,977shopify_panamaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.